Atlanta BeltLine Inc. is officially seeking the right company to begin building the complex Northwest Trail section from the Westside toward Buckhead and the 22-mile loop’s top end.
BeltLine leaders officially opened the bidding process Tuesday for contractors capable of constructing what’s known as Segment 5 of the Northwest Trail.
The project will take the BeltLine from its temporary end point—where the Westside Trail terminates at Huff Road and Marietta Boulevard today—and travel northeast to Ellsworth Industrial Boulevard before ending at the intersection of English and Culpepper streets, near the Atlanta Waterworks complex.
That’s a distance of .7 miles.
BeltLine officials have recently said real estate work for Segment 5 was concluding and that construction bids would be sought as soon as all required property closes.
As finalized in 2022, Atlanta BeltLine Inc. and the PATH Foundation decided it best to build the Northwest Trail in five phases, beginning at the southwestern-most point with the relatively straightforward Segment 5.
Where the BeltLine's Westside Trail ends at Huff Road today—and an approximation of where Northwest Trail Segment 5 will pick up progress soon toward Underwood Hills and Buckhead. Courtesy of Atlanta BeltLine Inc./PATH Foundation
BeltLine officials are accepting questions from potential Segment 5 builders until March 6. The deadline for submitting bids is April 11.
Segment 5 is expected to take roughly 18 months to build, according to the BeltLine.
Here's the most recent overview of where all BeltLine construction stands today:
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