At a high-profile Buckhead corner near Ga. Highway 400, several Atlanta trends have converged: multifamily development on previously empty land, the addition of lighting to enliven new construction, and the employment of street artists to make otherwise rudimentary aspects of intown buildings more engaging.
Canvas Arts Consultants has recently finished a five-mural project that saw artists spruce up various aspects of Modera Prominence, a luxury apartment community where Lenox and Piedmont roads meet. All five artists commissioned are local to Atlanta.
The pieces range from a towering, five-story window mural of translucent film on glass, illuminated by LED lighting at night, to a humorous drive-through mural gallery in the parking garage that has something to say about cell-phone addiction. Another mural spans nearly 200 feet to tell a story about the natural transfer of energy.
“Not only do the murals enrich the space, but they also contribute to a cohesive lifestyle experience,” a project rep wrote in an email to Urbanize Atlanta.
Light shines through windows facing central Buckhead to create kaleidoscopic effects by day, filling interiors with color. By night, "the mural shimmers like a magical lightbox on the building’s façade," per a project summary. Courtesy of Canvas Art Consultants
It’s another example of local artists finding work—and oftentimes, handsome pay—as part of Atlanta’s ongoing development boom.
Modera Prominence’s first phase, where the murals are located, opened 319 apartments (rents start around $1,600) and 21,000 square feet of retail space in October. Construction on 21-story phase two continues.
Have a closer look at this melding of mixed-use and mixed-media in the gallery, naturally.
• Recent Buckhead news, discussion (Urbanize Atlanta)