Exactly how Krog Street Market and Atlanta Stove Works might grow and mesh together over the next year is becoming clearer.
Charlotte-based Asana Partners bought the two landmark Inman Park properties in 2018, followed by SPX Alley across the BeltLine in Old Fourth Ward—home to Taproom, Nina & Rafi pizza, and other attractions—in 2019.
Collectively, Asana Partners is rebranding the properties as “The Krog District,” and they’ve detailed plans for renovations and new buildings they hope will make the mixed-use blocks more cohesive, inviting, and functional.
View of a planned new Krog Street office building from the south. Asana Partners; designs, ASD|SKY; via Capital Real Estate Group
Most significantly, two additional buildings along Krog Street are on the docket, both with architecture that echoes existing styles and forms.
The tallest is planned to be a four-story structure next to Krog Street Market, directly across the street from Stove Works’ entrance. According to an Asana Partners’ announcement this month, that piece will have 28,000 square feet of ground-level retail topped by offices, plus a new parking garage with 186 spaces.
A second new building would replace existing gravel parking at the corner of Krog Street and Lake Avenue.
Plans call for a three-story brick structure with more retail—31,000 square feet—plus offices. The western side would open up and connect to the BeltLine.
BeltLine connectivity to retail off Irwin Street. Asana Partners; designs, ASD|SKY; via Capital Real Estate Group
That building will create a breezeway, lined with new dining and gathering areas, in the space between it and Stove Works. The breezeway is also expected to provide direct access between the Eastside Trail and Krog Street Market, essentially acting as a front door.
Both buildings, developers note, have the blessing of the Inman Park Neighborhood Association and City of Atlanta Urban Design Commission, which helped guide designs.
Seth Black, Asana Partners' managing director, said the goal is to create “a more complete and connected experience” and turn the district into “an 18-hour destination for locals and visitors,” according to a prepared statement.
The City of Atlanta granted building permits in February for Asana Partners to begin site prep and construction. Development officials say work is expected to begin later this year, with completion scheduled for summer 2022.
SRS Real Estate Partners and Capital Real Estate Group, respectively, are heading leasing efforts.
For now, visit the gallery above for a look at the Krog area today and fresh renderings depicting what’s planned to come soon.
• Other BeltLine-related news, discussion (Urbanize Atlanta)