One of Buckhead’s largest office landlords has completed the purchase of a sprawling Piedmont Road campus and now plans a comprehensive spruce-up that could boost its mixed-use cachet and allure for post-pandemic tenants.
Since 2016, The Ardent Companies has been purchasing parts of the Piedmont Center Buildings—a 3565 Piedmont Road complex dating back to the 1970s and ’80s—piecemeal.
This week, Ardent officials announced the final four pieces, buildings five through eight, have been bought from Granite Properties.
Those recently renovated buildings encompass more than 500,000 square feet, and adding them to the portfolio means Ardent now owns the entire campus: 14 buildings totaling 2.2 million square feet across 45 acres, positioned between Roswell Road and Ga. Highway 400. No purchase price was disclosed.
Aerial imagery of the 45-acre Piedmont Center Buildings site now owned by The Ardent Companies. Courtesy of The Ardent Companies
The announcement came on the heels of the site’s rezoning to SPI-12, which Ardent officials say will allow for a “reimagining” and “vibrant mix of uses” across the property.
Plans include the addition of retail in some form, enhancing building exteriors, modernizing the lobbies, and infusing the campus with “artful encounters,” per Ardent reps.
The moves come as Ardent expects companies to bring more employees back into offices soon. Piedmont Center’s tenants include tech firms, consulting groups, and as of late this month, Ardent’s own headquarters in Building 1, among other companies.
Expect reimagined exteriors and an infusion of retail in the 3500 block of Piedmont Road, the 14-building property's new owners say. Courtesy of The Ardent Companies
Recent property upgrades implemented by Ardent include a pedestrian bridge, free Wi-Fi in common areas, enhanced meeting and conference spaces, and revitalized courtyards. A 1.2-mile nature trail that loops the campus is currently being redone as well.
Matt Shulman, Ardent CEO and managing partner, calls the property one of the best office sites in Buckhead.
“With this purchase, we’ve reached our goal of assembling amenity-rich and open-air assets along the Piedmont Tech Corridor,” Shulman said in a prepared statement. “We’re ready to introduce the market to the new Piedmont Center.”
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