While it might not be as eventful as last year, when new sections of Atlanta BeltLine trails debuted all over town, 2022 isn’t exactly shaping up to be a parks-and-recreation slouch.
As work nears completion on a new trail section near Westside Park, another BeltLine segment is gearing up for construction on the flipside of town—one that promises to be a useful, off-street link between Midtown and the Lindbergh (aka Uptown) area.
According to BeltLine officials, construction bids are due this month for the second phase of work on the Northeast Trail, the paved section of BeltLine that runs behind Ansley Mall and Ansley Golf Course.
The initial completed section of the BeltLine's Northeast Trail, stretching from Ansley Mall to almost Interstate 85. The next phase of work is shown in dotted blue. Atlanta BeltLine Inc.
That trail’s Segment 2, as it’s called, will extend the current paved multi-use path in both directions, including a connection into Piedmont Park at Westminster Drive, near the Atlanta Botanical Garden at the southern terminus.
On the opposite end, the trail will be extended to Mayson Street in an industrial district just north of Interstate 85.
Construction is expected to begin by the second quarter of 2022, BeltLine officials said in a recent construction update.
Where the northern end of Segment 2 turns back to gravel, approaching I-85 and active railroad near Armour Yards. Segment 2 plans call for extending the Northeast Trail under the interstate to Mayson Street but not crossing active railroad lines in the area yet. Josh Green/Urbanize Atlanta
Once Segment 2 is finished, the Northside Trail will span 1.2 miles, with all lighting, landscaping, and security cameras installed that the corridor currently lacks. With its multiple street access points, it’s expected to function as a protected link into Midtown, via Piedmont Park, from neighborhoods such as Piedmont Heights and the Armour district.
We’ve asked BeltLine officials for information on construction timelines and other details, and we’ll update this story with any additional info that come. UPDATE, 5:03 p.m., February 3: A BeltLine spokesperson sends the following details pertaining to the construction outlook: "Northeast Trail—Segment 2 should take about 18 months to complete and is tentatively targeted for fall 2023. Once we have a contractor on board, we’ll be able to be a little more definitive on the schedule. Of course, things happen that can shift the schedule, but that’s our goal!"
For more context, and a look at the Northeast Trail’s current conditions, see the gallery above.
The next sections of the BeltLine's Northeast Trail, illustrated at top and bottom, are expected to begin construction in Q2. Atlanta BeltLine Inc.
In other BeltLine news, the South’s largest outdoor temporary art exhibition, Art on the Atlanta BeltLine, recently scored funding that will help create a variety of artwork and performances along 12 miles of trails in 20 neighborhoods on Atlanta’s west, south, and east sides, officials said.
The Mayor's Office of Cultural Affairs Municipal Support for the Arts program is awarding the BeltLine art initiative $40,000, while another $10,000 will come from the National Endowment for the Arts Grants for Arts Projects award.
Art on the BeltLine is entering its 12th year. Sculptures for the 2022 exhibition are expected to be installed this spring.
• Atlanta BeltLine launches gentrification-o-meter to track changes (Urbanize Atlanta)